Ketturetku Syster Svea

Born: 26.5.2002
Hibs: A/A
Elbows: 0/0
Knees: 0/0
Eyes: clear (8/07)
HSF4: free
Sterilized 1/06
Sintti in breeding database
Hibs: A/A
Elbows: 0/0
Knees: 0/0
Eyes: clear (8/07)
HSF4: free
Sterilized 1/06
Sintti in breeding database

Sintti is my very first own dog. She has teached me a lot. We have done tracking, search and obedience with her. Sintti has been character tested. Nowadays she is retired and enjoys any kind of housework which involves fetching. Her favorit thing is when the remote control drops and she can pick it up for you. :)