A-litter: Fin Mva Quimichin Licorice Lex x Lumileinikki
Born: 5.8.2006
4 puppies born (3 females, 1 male), male died after labour
Mizaven Amaretto
Knees: 0/0
Eyes: clear (8/07)
Cardiac auskultation: normal (8/07)
Mizaven Amarula
Knees: 0/0
Eyes: clear (8/07)
Mizaven Ambon
Knees: 0/0
Eyes: clear (9/07)
4 puppies born (3 females, 1 male), male died after labour
Mizaven Amaretto
Knees: 0/0
Eyes: clear (8/07)
Cardiac auskultation: normal (8/07)
Mizaven Amarula
Knees: 0/0
Eyes: clear (8/07)
Mizaven Ambon
Knees: 0/0
Eyes: clear (9/07)
B-litter: C.I.B FIN&SE&NO&EE MVA EUJV-06 Nikoli's Wild Game x Lumileinikki
Born: 30.5.2008
5 puppies born (2 females, 3 males)
Mizaven Baghera
Knees: o/o
Eyes: clear (9/09)
Cardiac auskultation: normal (9/09)
Mizaven Baloo
More about Tupu from her own page
Mizaven Baltazar
Mizaven Barbossa
Mizaven Benizacur
5 puppies born (2 females, 3 males)
Mizaven Baghera
Knees: o/o
Eyes: clear (9/09)
Cardiac auskultation: normal (9/09)
Mizaven Baloo
More about Tupu from her own page
Mizaven Baltazar
Mizaven Barbossa
Mizaven Benizacur
C-litter: C.I.B POHJ&FIN&SE&LV&NO&EE<&RU&BALT MVA Nikoli's Lucky Leader x Mizaven Baloo
Born: 8.11.2009
3 puppies born (1 female, 2 males), one male died during labour and other one day after
Mizaven Cleopatra
More about Mulan from her own page
3 puppies born (1 female, 2 males), one male died during labour and other one day after
Mizaven Cleopatra
More about Mulan from her own page
D-litter: Divaliinan Calvin's Red Escape x Lumileinikki
Born: 13.6.2011
4 puppies born (2 females, 2 males), one male died two days after labour
Mizaven Dido
Mizaven Dolly
Mizaven Dio
4 puppies born (2 females, 2 males), one male died two days after labour
Mizaven Dido
Mizaven Dolly
Mizaven Dio
E-litter: Wyatt's Jet Stream at Sunspot x PAIM-E Highbuzz's Ada HRD1
Born: 4.3.2014
9 puppies: 7 boys and 2 girls (2 with long tails and 7 with NBT)
Born: 4.3.2014
9 puppies: 7 boys and 2 girls (2 with long tails and 7 with NBT)